Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Banana Mask for Oily Skin By Julyne Derrick, Guide

So, if you missed the series on Facebook, here is how to make the Banana Mask for Oily Skin. I've been following some postings by Julyne Derrick on and just posting up the ideas for your convenience. If you have oily skin, this is a really good one for you to try! Happy skin cleansing!!

This is a soothing face mask and great if you have bananas around the house.

Bananas are great for the hair, too. See my Banana & Avocado Deep Conditioning Treatment for Dry Hair recipe.
•1 banana, preferably ripe (you can keep ripe bananas in the freezer. Let it thaw before using)

•1 tbsp honey

•An orange or a lemon

Mix the banana and honey together.

Add a few drops of juice from an orange or a lemon.

Apply to face for 15 minutes before rinsing with a cool washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Good review!

Hey All!

It's been awhile, but here I am!!! OK, so today I was reading through a few different articles about make-up application and I came across this site: Check it out and let me know what you think. I like how they keep some of the ideas short and sweet, yet still provide adequate information for the reader to understand. Provide me with some feedback! I'm anxious to hear what you have to say.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Best Way - What Color of Eye Shadow Should You Wear? |

Check out the link below on the best way to choose eyeshadow colors!



Best Way - What Color of Eye Shadow Should You Wear? |

Makeup Tips For Dark Skin

Makeup Tips For Dark Skin

Make Up For Dark Skin

Hey Everyone:

I have found that several people are under the impression that make-up looks best on lighter skin tones. However; make-up can look great on any and EVERY skin tone, depending on which colors are applied and how they are applied. I'm no expert on choosing the perfect colors for every color skin, but I have been doing some research, as well as playing around with colors to determine which colors are the best for the different faces I work with. I will be posting some articles that I come across that are not only beneficial to me, but to the people who follow me and/or are uncertain as to which colors will work best for them.

Some simple tips for people with darker skin that they should be aware of are as follows:

* When choosing a foundation, DO NOT use a cream foundation. Darker skin has a tendency to look a little more oily than lighter skin, and a cream foundation will just enhance the look.

* DO use a water base foundation or a liquid foundation. Liquid foundations will probably work best.

* To blend the foundation in without creating streaks or leaving harsh lines, blend distilled water into the foundation and then blend it into the skin!

I hope this has been helpful. There will be more tips to follow. Also, follow me on twitter for "Make-Up Tips of the Day"